Friday, October 8, 2010

Oh my ... I never realized I had so much to say.

So let's talk about smoking.  I myself am a smoker, bought my first pack when I was 15.  I know it sounds like I'm proud of that, but really ... not so much.  Although my husband who I have known since I was 15 says, "You've been smoking longer than you have been doing anything else in your life."  This unfortunately is true and frankly I'm torn about being proud of such an accomplishment.

Recently it has come to my attention that they are no longer labeling my Marlboro Lights with the lights title.  They are just "The Gold Box".  Each time I end up in a local convenience store getting A LOT of attitude from whatever person who has been relegated to the cash register for that particular unsatisfying and underpaid shift I have to answer new questions regarding which brand of coffin nails I want.  "Jesus, can I just get a pack of cigarettes?!"

Now, is ANYONE confused about the fact that cigarettes cause cancer?  ANYONE? ANYONE?    BUELLER?  Seriously, what is the problem here folks?  If anyone asks you "Did you know cigarettes cause cancer?"  and your response is "Really?  I didn't know that."  Then you should get an extra pack free so the cancer gets you before the rest of us.  Survival of the fittest if you know what I mean.

I can sign a waiver, get a tattoo, scarlett letter .... whatever they think I should do to stop this bullshit.  Yes, I know, I know, I got it.  Cigarettes are unhealthy, now can I just have them? Can I kill myself in peace, please?    I am already being taxed to hell and back by a government that has no business telling me or anyone else what brand of posthumous fate I can or cannot participate in.

I promise, I'm down with no smoking indoors thing.  I can't stand going to a smoky bar or restaurant ... well, unless it's in a fantasy where I am meeting a gorgeous ... wait, what was I saying?  Oh yeah, smoking, I don't want to breathe anyone else's smoke either.  Mine is certainly enough so no smoking indoors, down with that. 

While living in rural Georgia I saw a lot of things that were incredibly disturbing, but none so much as pulling up to the elementary school, car in front of me with two kids in it, both parents smoking like chimney's with windows up and right as their children get out of the car they toss the cigarettes out the window.  Who does that?!

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