Sunday, October 10, 2010


I have watched the show Intervention and I love it.  It's "the funniest hour on TV" as they say in the biz.
Someone needs to stage an intervention for me so I will stop yelling at the DVR when it only records new episodes instead of all of them. "Damnit, it was supposed to record my favorite episode where the alcoholic surgeon who has lost his license for removing the wrong leg on a patient, performs an emergency tracheotomy on his neighbor with a pair of toenail clippers."  That's the funniest one ever

I don't think the producers of the show meant for it to be this way, but that is one hilarious show.  My husband and I talk through the entire thing and we've decided the funniest ones are the drunks.  We discuss how boisterous and lively the alcoholics are .... well, until the crying part, than we hit the fridge for another cold one.

Most everyone has a reason for dabbling in excess with substance abuse, I certainly do, but some of the gimpy ass, preposterous and sometimes downright slap happy reasons these lovers of libations come up with are enough to make even the most liberal, Greenpeace, nut job roll his eyes.  Come on people, make something up better than that.  Or I got an idea, just be honest .... I ♥ tequila too much.  Usually once you've graduated to the harder drugs you have the ability ... or should I say practice, and are able to maintain.  Drunks are generally not able to do this which makes them much more amusing to watch.

I did see one episode where a college student was huffing computer cleaning dusters with her Siamese cat and trying to make it order Chinese takeout.  Who does that?!

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful for not having cable or satellite. Real life is more than I can fathom.

    Have you considered in the future having guest editorials on the subject, "Who Does That?" --Just wondering.

    Avid Reader!
